As our first term of the new school year comes to an end, it was one to remember for so many reasons. However, we are happy to say the most important reason was one of happiness and best wishes as we said goodbye to Ms Donnellan. Over the years, Ms Donnellan has been a wonderful colleague, teacher and friend for so many us in Scoil Bhríde and she will be sorely missed by all. While we could not give Ms Donnellan the send off she deserved we still did our best to mark the occasion. Thank you to Ms Ryan who put together a lovely video which the whole school watched from their classrooms on her final day. Our students and staff then stepped outside their classrooms to say one last goodbye from a distance as Ms Donnellan planted a tree to mark all her years of service in Kilbride. Congratulations on your retirement Ms Donnellan and best wishes from everyone here at Scoil Bhríde. We will miss you very much!!