Dear Parents, As referred to in my previous e-mail, the Stay Safe talk for parents delivered by the Child Abuse Prevention Programme will take place in the school on Tuesday 29th January at 7:30pm. What is Stay Safe? The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools – both mainstream and…
Author: Julie Dowd
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you all. It is wonderful to welcome all the pupils back safely to Scoil Bhríde this week. Our pastoral theme this month is positive intentions. A few points to note as we start the New Year: Attendance and punctuality: All parents are reminded of the importance of regular attendance and punctuality…

Mini Scientists!
Huge congratulations to our 5th class girls, Maeve , Seren and Michaela who successfully qualified to the national final of the Intel Mini Scientist competition on December 5th. Their project entitled ‘Are you eating plastic for dinner?’ examines our use of plastic and how it is entering the food chain. A startling fact is that…
Dear Parents, We have had a very busy week in Scoil Bhride. Practice for all the Christmas plays is ongoing as well as for the panto this weekend. Mini Scientist Competition: Congratulations to our mini scientists who won the regional award and will go forward to represent Scoil Bhride in the national finals. Michaela, Maeve…
Dear Parents, We have a lot of excited pupils in school with The Toy show tonight! As always, our school is a busy one especially now in preparation for the Kilbride panto next weekend. Camelot: Our school panto will take place next weekend on the 7th and 8th December. Our 6th class pupils along with…
Dear Parents, What a week we have had at Scoil Bhride! On Monday our 5th class displayed their Mini Scientist experiments. We were very proud of each of our pupils who put so much work into their investigations. Wednesday saw the visit of both the Sam Maguire and Liam McCarthy cups and so there was…
Dear Parents, We were delighted to welcome all of our pupils back following the Mid Term break. Scoil Bhride is a busy place with so many activities happening. Read on to find out more: Pastoral Theme: Our pastoral theme for November is “Respect”. We think about how we can best respect ourselves, others and the…
Weaving Wellbeing Parent Presentation
Dear Parents, Thank you to those of you who attended the AGM last night. Fiona Forman, the author of Weaving Wellbeing gave a presentation to parents. I have attached a link to the presentation here. Parent Talk (2) Our Parent Council lost a number of members who had been instrumental in our school last year. As…
Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to our school blog. Today is the first day in October. Our pastoral theme for this month is”Gratitude”. Each day at assembly we will consider what we are grateful for. I myself am very grateful to work in such a fantastic school, with such enthusiastic pupils and staff that are hard…
Weekly Update
Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome back to our school blog. The month of September is drawing to a close and it is wonderful to see all our pupils so well settled back and working hard. Our school is already a hive of activity. Read on to find out more. Kindness: Our pastoral theme for September is…