We hope to re-open on Monday 5 March weather allowing and will issue a further update to parents and staff on Sunday evening / Monday morning. Stay safe everyone.
Author: Julie Dowd
School Closure Red Weather Alert
In light of the red weather warning for Leinster and concerns for the safety of our school community, Scoil Bhride will remain closed on Thursday March 1st and Friday March 2nd. This is under direction of the Minister for Education. Please stay safe and warm.
Red Weather Alert. School Closure 28th February
Dear Parents and Staff, due to red weather alert issued this morning Scoil Bhride will close today due to safety concerns. The BOM will monitor the situation and weather alerts. Updates will be texted and posted on school website. Stay safe everyone.
Student Council Update
Hello we are Scoil Bhríde’s newly elected student council. We are looking forward to working together to make the school an even better place to learn. Here’s an idea of some of the work we’ve been doing in the school. We’ve been busy! We have started fun warm ups in the hall for the month…
Principal's Weekly Update
Dear Parents/ Guardians, Welcome to our school blog which will give you regular updates on our busy school here at Scoil Bhride. I intend to post a Principal update each week. You will see some previous blogs posted by Mr O Boyle on the mini scientist exhibition and shared reading as Gaeilge with 1st and…
Basketball Community Games
On Sunday 28th January, the Meath Community Games Basketball tournament took place in Dunshaughlin Community Centre. The Kilbride girls Under 13 team came first and are through to the Leinster finals. The team had two 5th class girls (Caoimhe N and Zara) and five 6th class girls (Caoimhe Mc, Tori, Maria, Suzie and Ruth) In…
Panto and Christmas Performances
Dear Parents and Guardians, It is the time of year for our Panto, Nativity Plays and Christmas Singalongs which I hope you will all attend and enjoy. There are a couple of points to note please. Christmas Singalongs and Nativity Plays. Please enter via the side door of the school where the children enter in…

Snow White and the 7 Dudes Panto - 16th & 17th December

The new website is live
Welcome to the new Scoil Bhride website. We are currently updating our website so please bear with us as we populate the new website!