To celebrate World Book Day here in Scoil Bhríde pupils and staff dressed up as their favourite book character. Everyone really enjoyed the day. One pupil in each class was awarded a special prize for their costume. Here are the winners below. We are looking forward to World Book Day next year already. Inniú…
Category: blog

World Book Day/Lá Domhanda na Leabhar 2019
Today in Scoil Bhríde we celebrated World Book Day. Each class put in a huge amount of effort and decorated their door based on a book that the class like. Here’s a look at the wonderful creations.
Weekly Update
Dear Parents, Our school continues to be a hive of activity. Read on to find out more. School Self Evaluation: We are focusing on improving pupil’s enjoyment and motivation to learn and speak Irish. This week our Student Council posted their first audio clip and phrase on the website. We are posting these audio clips to…

4th Class Choir takes to the stage!??
Huge congratulations to all members of the school choir and 4th classes that put on a wonderful performance last Wednesday. The children sang beautifully and showed us some brilliant drumming and body percussion rhythms. A massive thank you to everyone who came on the night. We hope that you enjoyed the show. Thank you also…

A fun weekend in Camelot!
Scoil Bhríde was very proud of it’s students last weekend as they put on a great show for all family members and friends. Scoil Bhríde’s pantomime Camelot was great fun and a huge success. Thank you to all the children who took part!! You were all fantastic and it was great fun putting the show…
Dear Parents, We have a lot of excited pupils in school with The Toy show tonight! As always, our school is a busy one especially now in preparation for the Kilbride panto next weekend. Camelot: Our school panto will take place next weekend on the 7th and 8th December. Our 6th class pupils along with…

When Liam and Sam Came to Visit!!
Wednesday 21st November was a momentous occasion for Scoil Bhríde when the Liam McCarthy and Sam Maguire Cups came to visit! Our current 5th class had won a competition in Croke Park and their prize included, seeing these two famous trophies and a visit from Meath player Mickey Burke. During the special assembly Liam and Sam received…

Camelot - A Scoil Bhríde Panto
It is that time of year again and Scoil Bhríde is delighted to present it’s latest pantomime “Camelot” which will be taking place on December 7th and 8th in the school hall. We are very much looking forward to putting on the this fun and entertaining show for all the parents and friends of the…

To Space and Back Again!
We have been having great fun in Ms. Keating’s Junior/Senior Infants class this month with our Aistear theme of ‘Space’! Below you can see photos of a few of our different play-stations. We have been flying around the galaxy in our rocket ship, visiting other planets and looking for aliens. We have been working together,…
Dear Parents, What a week we have had at Scoil Bhride! On Monday our 5th class displayed their Mini Scientist experiments. We were very proud of each of our pupils who put so much work into their investigations. Wednesday saw the visit of both the Sam Maguire and Liam McCarthy cups and so there was…