Dear Parents, The end of year is coming close and Scoil Bhride is an extremely busy place! Last Monday we said a sad and fond farewell to Fr Michael who moves to Duleek and Donore. Fr Michael kindly celebrated mass with us to mark the end of the year and to allow us to thank…
Category: News

Tidy Towns Poster Competition Winners ?
Scoil Bhríde would like to thank all the children and the staff members involved in taking part in this year’s Tidy Towns poster competition. There were so many fantastic posters it was very very difficult to pick a winner! The winning posters can be found below. Congratulations boys and girls!!
Have a listen to Scoil Bhríde's first podcast!
Our historians in 3rd class have been working hard on the topic of ‘Games and Past-times in the Past’ over the last number of weeks. As part of their research, they composed interesting questions and then interviewed their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles on the activities that they engaged in when they were young. Have…
Principal Update
Dear Parents, What a hive of activity Scoil Bhride is. Read on to find out more! Book Fair: Thank you to our Parent Council who are organising the Book Fair. We do love our books and reading in Scoil Bhride. Congratulations to Ms Ryan’s class who reached a total of 500 books read today. April…
Child Safeguarding Review
The Board of Management wish to inform parents that the annual review of The Child Safeguarding Statements Risk Assessment has been completed.

3rd Class working on their ICT skills!
3rd Class have been very busy recently doing some research on the student laptops for their projects on famous explorers; Tom Crean, Amelia Earharte, Christopher Columbas and Neil Armstrong. As you can see from the pictures below, they did a great job! Well done 3rd Class 🙂