Welcome to the Parents Council
Fresh Fruit Friday!!
Thanks’ to your donations to the parent council fund through non-uniform days and to TOTAL PRODUCE for providing the fruit at cost price we are hosting another Fresh Fruit Friday.
The aim of FFF is to not only encourage children to eat more fresh fruit, and you’d be delighted to see how much they eat, but also to allow them to taste some new fruits. At a cost of less than 0.30cent per child the parent’s council are able to provide a selection of fresh fruit, we always aim to introduce some exotic fruits each FFF and you’d be surprised to see which fruits are the class favourites.
Book Fair very exciting time!

Fresh Fruit Friday in Scoil Bhride!!!
The parents council was hard at work again last Friday. The children were very excited to taste exotic fruits from around the world. Every class received 2 large plates full of exotic fruits to taste and enjoy! We will be running another Fresh Fruit Friday in the coming weeks…..

Please read below an update from the Parent Council on events that are happening :
World Book Day Please see below poster for the upcoming Book Day celebrations in March. We would encourage all children (and any willing teachers) to dress up as their favourite character from a book they love. There will be book voucher prizes for the best dressed, funniest character etc…these vouchers can be used to purchase some books at the upcoming Book Fair.
Book Donations the Parents Council is always looking at new ways to support our school and it’s students, with this in mind we will be asking for some practical donations. To tie in with World Book Day we are asking for donations of pre-loved books, these books will be added to the class libraries, you can bring in books on or near the 7th March (or any time you are doing a clear out). If every child brings in 1-2 books then we will boost our school library by 338 to 676 books, which would be fantastic.
Fresh Fruit Friday we are hosting the ever popular Fresh Fruit Friday event so you might want to bear this in mind when packing school lunch boxes.
Clothes Collection Thanks to your generous donations of clothes, you have raised €325 for school events.
Thank you for your continued support for our school Scoil Bhride Parents’ Council.

It’s almost time. Just a few days left until Scoil Bhride Christmas panto “Camelot” and we are looking forward to seeing at the shows in December.
6th Class are sure to put on a fantastic show and the best way to support them is to make sure we have a full house at each show. So make sure you call into the school and get your tickets.
RAFFLE PRIZES and TICKET SALES we have over €1500 worth of fantastic prizes for some lucky parents and children to win.
Raffle tickets can be bought at each Panto show
Can’t make the shows, don’t worry, you can still be in with a chance to win. 6th Class will be selling the tickets and calling into the classrooms each day this week. Please send your money in with your children and we will record your name on the ticket stub and give your tickets to your child.
Tickets are priced €5 for 3 strips or €2 for 1 strip.
We are still in need of a few donations and your time, so please look through the list and support us in any way you can:
Your time – volunteers to help out at the shows:
If you have a couple of hours to spare over the weekend the parents council would be delighted to have your help with setting up the stalls and helping out serving refreshments. We have three shows to cover so any of your valuable time would be much appreciated however big or small.
Sweet jars:
Clear out your treat presses and bring in your sweet jars. These proved so popular with children, young and old ,last year that we almost ran out. We can’t have enough of these donations.
Raffle donations:
If you have any donations of prizes, food or drinks for the raffle they can be dropped into the school.
Hamper baskets:
If you have a hamper basket that you are not using please drop into the school – these are used to make up the raffle hampers
The parents council are very thankful of the donations that have come in so far.
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the show and the raffle and hope everyone has a great night.
Dear Parents,
Its that time of year when we require you help! In December the school is staging the pantomime ‘Camelot’. The Parents council will be running a few fundraising stalls at this event.
Sweet Jars/ Bags: This has been a very popular stall and a chance to buy some refreshments for the show. We would like to ask each child to bring in one decorated Sweet Jar or Sweet Bag with a selection of sweets. We will be collecting the jars from next week. This is a great opportunity to get rid of unwanted sweets from Halloween!!
Raffle Prizes: We would welcome any donations or prizes which we could use for our raffle. Please leave these with Bernie in the school office.
Many thanks,
Kilbride National School Parents Council
A massive thank you to everyone who attended the Cups against Cancer coffee morning in the school. We were delighted with the turnout and support for this wonderful charity.
Book Fair
Reading is one of the most important skills our children can learn. Set your child up for reading success by visiting our Scholastic Book Fair and growing your child’s personal reading library. By shopping at our school Book Fair, you will not only be giving your own child access to great new books to read wherever they go, but you will also be helping our school raise money to buy more books for your child’s class library. There will be a selection of books available to appeal to all reading abilities and all classes.
For every €1 you spend on books during the Book Fair, the school will receive 60c back in books! For example for every €100 spent, the school will receive €60 worth of books!!
The Parents’ Council have supported this initiative for a number of years as we feel it is a great opportunity to encourage children to enjoy books both at home and in school. Our children will also benefit through the addition of a world of new books to their class library!