Scoil Bhríde Green School Committee 2022-23
Green Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental education programme. It promotes long term, whole school action for the environment. It is a student led initiative that gives children the opportunity to learn about environmental issues and apply them in their own school context.
Our Green School Committee is made up of representatives from each class, from 1st class to 6th class and from our Coiscéimeanna classes. The committee meet regularly and spread the green school message in their class, promoting whole-school actions to improve the environment and the wider community of Kilbride. Our committee also works closely with local groups, such as the Kilbride Tidy Towns and the Men’s Sheds.
Our school is currently revisiting the theme of Litter and Waste. We are focusing on greatly reducing our general waste and increasing awareness on what can now go into our recycling bins, based on the new guidelines. We are also linking in with the Kilbride Tidy Town Committee as we begin to prepare for our next Green Schools theme on Biodiversity.
In Scoil Bhríde, we ensure our students are afforded with opportunities to exercise their social conscience and leadership skills. The Green Schools programme encourages and supports student development in these areas. Implementing the Green Schools programme fosters environmental awareness, problem solving and action planning, which is an intrinsic part of the vision and ethos of our school. Looking to the future, this is more important than ever for our students.
Recycling Drive! Monday June 26th!!
Our Green Schools team have been hard at work this year tackling litter and waste. We have been learning about the importance of recycling and how to recycle correctly. We learned that some items are easier to recycle than others, and sometimes we must make an extra effort to recycle certain items correctly. Items such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). WEEE is anything with a plug or battery and is at the end of its useful life.
Did you know that the average home has 193 electrical appliances and 110 batteries?!! Many of us have WEEE items that no longer work so we decided to gather them all up and recycle them correctly! This is where we need your help!
We would like all families to dig out any broken plug or battery-operated items such as bulbs, electric toothbrushes, mobile phones, pocket radios, keyboards, cables, batteries, chargers, small kitchen appliances like toasters and kettles, battery-operated books and toys etc. Large household appliances will not be collected on the day. The PDF listed here might be a helpful guide to look at. Please bring your items to the school hall on Monday 26th June for collection by RecycleIT .
Thank you! The Green School Team.