Category: Uncategorized

100km for Temple St. Hospital!!!
We are very VERY proud of this 6th Class student who committed to walk/Jog an incredible 100km in the month of February to raise funds for Temple St. Children’s Hospital. All proceeds went to the neurology department as it is 10yrs this year since he had his life saving surgery. What an amazing achievement!! Congratulations…

Ms Mc Cabe's Communion Art
Here is a lovely picture of some recent communion artwork completed by the talented boys and girls in Ms McCabe’s 2nd Class.

Rainbow Colours for Autism Acceptance Day?
Thank you to Ms. Keating’s 4th Class and Ms Naughton’s Junior Infants for sending in some pictures of our boys and girls showing their support on Autism Acceptance Day by wearing all the colours of the rainbow. It was great to see the all students and staff dressed up in the most colourful of ways!

Flower Hunters at the Ready!!
Junior Infants were busy on their flower and plant hunt around the school. They continued the search on their walk to the church! They found pansies, buttercups, dandelions, ivy, brambles and lots more.

Happy Gardeners in Junior Infants ????
In Ms Naughton’s classroom, the children are learning all about “Living Things”. During Aistear, the explore the theme the “Garden Centre” where they design a garden, plants seeds and bulbs and water the plants.
Christmas cards in 5th Class
Fifth class did great work this week. We designed and wrote Christmas cards for people in a nursing home to wish them a very happy Christmas.

Pyjama Day in aid of Temple Street
On 27th November 2020, the children and staff in Scoil Bhríde held a Pyjama Day in aid of the Children’s Health Foundation Temple Street. It was a great way to start the preparations for the Late Late Toy Show! Many thanks to all of the students, parents, staff and school community for their support and contributions…
November in 6th Class
November has been very busy month in 6th class and the children have been working very hard. In November, we celebrated Dyslexia Awareness Week and the children in 6th class really enjoyed writing reports about dyslexia and famous people with dyslexia. Take a look at these amazing reports by Sean and Roisin in Ms McTernan and…

Best Wishes Ms Donnellan!
As our first term of the new school year comes to an end, it was one to remember for so many reasons. However, we are happy to say the most important reason was one of happiness and best wishes as we said goodbye to Ms Donnellan. Over the years, Ms Donnellan has been a wonderful…