Beidh an Díolachán Cácaí ar siúl ar an 18ú lá de mhí Deireadh Fomhair, 2019. Beidh cácaí ar díol sa halla agus gníomhaíochtaí eile ar siúl sa scoil, cosúil le ciceanna pionóise, cluiche tomhais agus snas iongain. I mbliana tá rang a sé ag iarraidh a bheith níos cairdiúla don chomhsaol. Iarraimid go dtabharfaidh gach…
Author: Eilís Ryan
Scoil Bhríde Choir
The Scoil Bhríde Choir is delighted to announce that rehearsals for this school year will begin on Tuesday, October 1st. Rehearsals will take place from 3pm to 4pm in Room 6 each Tuesday. We would be delighted to welcome back previous members and we invite boys and girls from 3rd to 6th class to…

Passion Projects in Scoil Bhríde.
Summer is just around the corner but in Scoil Bhríde we are still working hard on our projects. Children in Ms. Ryan’s fourth Class, Mr. O’ Reilly’s third class and Ms. O’Donovan’s second class recorded some of their projects for you to enjoy. Have a listen! Marco Polo by Ben and Jonny Art…
Rang a Ceathair agus na Trí Mhuc
It may be the last week of school, but we are still working very hard on our storytelling skills in 4th class. Have a listen to our rendition of the traditional tale “The Three Little Pigs”, recorded by Alex, Connor, Jeron, Debbie and Aimee. We hope you enjoy it! Cé go bhfuil sé an…
Rang a Ceathair agus Cochaillín Dearg
This year in Fourth Class we have been working on our storytelling skills in both English and Irish. Have a listen to our rendition of the traditional tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, recorded by Isabella, Zoe-Ann, Emily, Elena, Charlotte and Yohan. We hope you enjoy it! I rang a Ceathair, rinneamar a lán oibre ar…

Bookflix Episode 1
Welcome to our very first episode in our new podcast series called “Bookflix”. In our series, we review some of our favourite books and books we are currently reading. In our first episode, Oisín, Charlotte, Elena and Isabelle review their favourite books. Stay tuned for even more episodes. We hope that you enjoy. Miss…