Category: Fourth Class

A big thank you to three students who took part in our Accelerated Reader podcast today. We had great fun sitting down and having a chat about our new AR reading program which has been introduced from 2nd to 6th Class in recent months. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to…

Rainbow Colours for Autism Acceptance Day?
Thank you to Ms. Keating’s 4th Class and Ms Naughton’s Junior Infants for sending in some pictures of our boys and girls showing their support on Autism Acceptance Day by wearing all the colours of the rainbow. It was great to see the all students and staff dressed up in the most colourful of ways!
Ms. Keating's 4th Class Christmas Rap!
The boys and girls in Fourth Class had a great time writing and performing their Christmas rap. We hope you enjoy it, and feel free to rap along!

Reverse Inclusion Wednesdays ?
Here are some lovely photos taken during our latest reverse inclusion session with Ms Gannon’s 3rd and 4th Class. This gives great opportunities for our students to get to know each other, develop communication and social skills, and most importantly have some fun! Every Wednesday different classes visit Coisceimeanna where they are broken into groups…
Rang a Ceathair agus na Trí Mhuc
It may be the last week of school, but we are still working very hard on our storytelling skills in 4th class. Have a listen to our rendition of the traditional tale “The Three Little Pigs”, recorded by Alex, Connor, Jeron, Debbie and Aimee. We hope you enjoy it! Cé go bhfuil sé an…