Everyone had a wonderful week in the lead up to the midterm break. 6th class organised some activities to celebrate Halloween which included Backwards Clothes Day, Crazy Hair Day, Make a Mummy competitions, a Halloween picture hunt, and a Halloween costume day on Friday. A big thank you to all of the classes for taking…
Author: Eilís Ryan

October activities in Mrs Durnin's 5th class
Castles: Mrs Durnin’s 5th Class had great fun recreating Anglo-Saxon castles from recycled materials this month. Lizards: Mrs Durnin’s 5th Class are really enjoying their class novel “Holes” and they made their own lizards using an aboriginal dot art technique.

Ryder Cup in Rang a Sé
Rang a Sé have been keeping a very close eye on the Ryder Cup these past few days. In Maths we studied the European and USA Ryder Cup teams to see if we could predict who would win. We studied the 12 players on each squad and graphed some information such as age, height, weight,…
Jersey Day in Scoil Bhríde.
Following the success of both the Meath minors and Meath ladies teams, the sixth classes in Scoil Bhríde were delighted to organise a jersey day for the school. Staff and students were invited to wear their club, county or national jerseys on Friday and make a donation towards UNICEF’s humanitarian work in Afghanistan. Sixth classes…
Christmas cards in 5th Class
Fifth class did great work this week. We designed and wrote Christmas cards for people in a nursing home to wish them a very happy Christmas.

Pyjama Day in aid of Temple Street
On 27th November 2020, the children and staff in Scoil Bhríde held a Pyjama Day in aid of the Children’s Health Foundation Temple Street. It was a great way to start the preparations for the Late Late Toy Show! Many thanks to all of the students, parents, staff and school community for their support and contributions…

6th Class Grandparents Projects
6th Class Grandparents Project by Craig and Oisín. In the last few weeks, 6th class have been researching and creating projects called “Grandparents: When They Were Young”. We had until after the Halloween Break to complete this assignment. There were several topics we had to cover in our projects. Firstly, we wrote an introduction…
November in 6th Class
November has been very busy month in 6th class and the children have been working very hard. In November, we celebrated Dyslexia Awareness Week and the children in 6th class really enjoyed writing reports about dyslexia and famous people with dyslexia. Take a look at these amazing reports by Sean and Roisin in Ms McTernan and…

Junior Entrepreneur Project - Sentimental Seeds
This year, 6th class have been working to build a business as part of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. At Dragon’s Den in January, the class presented their ideas to 3 dragons and one big idea was chosen as the class project. The project we have chosen is called Sentimental Seeds. Sentimental Seeds are a type…

Rugby World Cup in Rang a Sé
Rang a Sé have been keeping a very close eye on the Rugby World Cup 2019 these past few weeks. In Maths we studied the top 5 teams in the world, New Zealand, Ireland, England, Wales and South Africa, and the host nation, Japan, to see if we could predict who would win the Webb…