Dear Parents, March is a busy month in Scoil Bhride as preparations for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Confirmation are ongoing. Food Dudes continues this week along with Seachtain na Gaeilge. Seachtain na Gaeilge Seachtain na Gaeilge takes place this week in the school. Thank you to Ms Gannon and the Student Council who have…
Author: Julie Dowd
Coronavirius Advice
The Department of Education and Skills has updated information for schools, preschools and third level institutions on Covid-19; provided by the Department of Health and HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre following a meeting of the National Public Health Emergency Team. Public health doctors are available to liaise with schools and advise on precautions if staff…
School Update
Dear Parents, Food Dudes This week the Food Dudes initiative started in Scoil Bhride. Food Dudes is an award-winning curriculum-linked evidence-based healthy eating programme, developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is based on repeated tastings of fresh fruit and vegetables, rewards and positive role models. Thank you to Ms…
Bee Happy
Our class took part in the JEP this year. Our group Bee Happy came second out of our class. Our product is looking at helping the Bee population. We put thyme and wildflower seeds in our product. The Thyme seeds prevent the bees from catching a disease called European Foulbrood. We ad a meeting with…

Happy Healthy Heart Day
Dear Parents, Today is Happy Healthy Heart day in the school. It is fantastic to see all the pupils dressed in their Valentine clothing. You might have read recently in the paper or heard on the news the research conducted by DCU in children’s physical literacy skills. You can read more about it here.…

What a week!
Dear Parents, What a spectacular week it was for our pupils in 5th and 6th class. Fifth class had their representatives attend the national finals of the mini scientist competition last Wednesday. The boys came in the top 24 of over 7000 entries. How impressive! Their project “Sugar, Sweet or Scary”, gave us all food…
January Update
Dear Parents, January has been a busy month for us here as 2020 gets off to a flying start. Read on to find out all our news. Catholic Schools Week: Catholic Schools Week starts today. The theme this year is Living in Harmony with God’s Creation. On Wednesday we will celebrate Grandparents’ Day when Grandparents…
Happy Christmas!
Junior & Senior Infants 1st Class & 2nd Class 2nd & 3rd Class 3rd/4th Class & 4th Class 5th Classes Sunshine Class Rainbow Class and 6th Class
School Update
School Update Mini Scientist Congratulations to our mini scientists who were successful in getting through to the national finals of the competition. What an incredible achievement for the boys and the school. Many thanks to both Mr O Reilly and Mrs Durnin who lead the project in the school this year and a big thank…
News Update
Dear Parents, I was delighted to see all the pupils back safe and sound after the mid-term break. Our pastoral theme for November is respect. We will be looking for pupils showing respect for themselves, others and our environment. We have lots of news to share with you. Read on to find out more. Peace…